One of the reasons that I am writing this blog is to chronicle my journey across the globe. I will be embarking on my most ambitious journey to date: a trip around the world. How would you prepare for such a trip, you may ask? Well, let me give you a peek inside my world and how I have prepared thus far for my forthcoming adventure.
It has been tough to find free time to really get all of my plans set so I quit my 16 hour/2 day a week job so that I could have more time to focus on planning, because my 5 day weekend just was not enough. Now that all of my pesky obligations are out of the way I have ample time to get ready to go, which is quite a relief because I don't think people realize how taxing a weekend job sitting in an office alone can truly be. The stress was really getting to me.
Being gainfully unemployed has really freed up my schedule, which has been a big help in preparation for my trip. I now have time to: get in an extra game of racquetball with my friend Matt, stand on the front lawn in my bath robe with a cup of tea, wander aimlessly in shopping centers and look at things that I can't buy because I have no job, call people while they are at work, and sell everything I own on Ebay because I have no stream of income. As you can see, I just simply could not accomplish all of this while I was plugged into the working world.
So where was I? Ah, yes, planning for my most ambitious journey to date. Well, I bought my plane tickets. That is really about all of the planning that I have done. At first I thought, "I have an idea, why not just buy a one-way ticket to anywhere then see where I can go from there?". As thought of how crazy and asinine that sounded even for me, I came up with a better idea, one that fit my thirst for adventure, my desire to go around the world, as well as my uncanny ability to plan as little as as possible for large undertakings such as this; I would just buy plane tickets to a few destinations and not book hotels. I can't wait to see where the world will take me.
My "Around the World Extravaganza" technically begins on July 4th. On June 4th, however, I leave for an opportunity that arose that I could not pass up. I will be the staff mechanic for a company called America by Bicycle. This company runs a guided tour group across America, from San Francisco to New Hampshire, by, you guessed it, bicycle. I realize that most sane persons would not dole out thousands of dollars in order to punish themselves by dragging their bodies over the entire 3847 miles from coast to coast under their own power, but cyclists are a different breed and my job will be to ensure that all of the bicycles function properly. I will keep this blog updated and try to jot down every tidbit and observation that I can and I hope that you all enjoy it. I know that regardless of where I go, or who I run into, there is always a story to be told and I will share as many as I can.