June 20, 2009
Provo to Price...Still in Utah, though

June 19, 2009
Lets All Go to the Lobby

June 18, 2009
Today is...I have no idea
June 17, 2009
The Salt Flats

June 16, 2009
A Mobile Nation
In 1956 the Federal Aid Highway Act unified what had been a mixture of separate and rather ineffective highway funding bills. Although President Eisenhower is historically given the lion's share of credit for America's Interstate system, it had been in the works for years prior. What Eisenhower's administration did do for our impressive roadways was help consolidate the dozen or so separate highway bills into one comprehensive program. The Federal Aid Highway Act called for 41,000 miles of quality, high speed road ways making it easy for people to travel from coast to coast, expanding commerce, and making our nation more mobile.
Now the United States boasts over 46,000 miles of Interstate and is by far the most mobile nation of it's size. Our interstates are used by families, truckers, the military, tour buses, and bicycles. For the past few days and for many days to come we have been on I-80 and each hill we crest gives way to a view of seemingly endless, perfectly straight roads that are a product of the Federal Aid Highway Act. I am just amazed at this country with every mile we cover.
Today we drove into Wendover, Nevada which is the last city for our tour in Nevada. As we crested the hill and descended into Wendover a storm brewed ahead. From the top of the hill you can see the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah which are so vast you can see the curvature of the Earth, and today, as the storm ahead rained on the salt flats we were treated to the brightest, most full rainbow I have ever seen.
I did not agree to come on this trip in search for anything specific. Some of the riders are here for charity, a few are here in honor of a friend that passed, and some just to see America, but I have no specific goal. I have tried to learn as much as I can about this great nation while on this trip because there is no better education than one that is hands on. The Interstate has become a staple of my everyday thoughts. I am impressed by our roadways. I apologize for the history lesson but we really take advantage of our roadways without ever stopping to realize that we have enough miles of interstate in America to circle the Earth twice. Ok, I'm done with the educational crap. Im off to bed because we lose an hour tonight as we ended our journey for the day crossing into the Central Time Zone. It's kinda crazy that we've ridden our bikes across a time zone.
June 15, 2009
America, One Shampoo Bottle at a Time

June 14, 2009
Points of Interest

Winnemucca was also the site of a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid robbery. In fact there was a bar that we went to aptly named Butch Cassidy’s. The only reason we went there was because the shuttle driver for the bus was giving us the low down on all the bars in town and he said that Butch Cassidy’s had the worst smell of any place he had been, so we had to see what he was talking about. The smell was quite pungent, a kind of body odor crossed with dead reptile. We didn’t stay long, on account of the smell.
One thing I always like to do is scan the brochures in the motel lobbies. I always find it interesting to see what the town wants you to see while you are there. Some towns steer you towards a historic building, other towns want you to visit the local eateries. Tonight we are staying in Battle Mountain, Nevada (population about 2900).
A quick side note about Winnemucca is that they are a mining town. There are about three or four gold mines on the outskirts of the town and the town boasts a 2 percent unemployment rate because gold is at near record highs and the mines can’t get it out of the Earth fast enough. Good news on the economic front, at least for Winnemucca.