June 27, 2009
The Happy Hour Shower
Today was our second day staying in Pueblo. We had a rest day so we did not ride, but the staff still had to work. My tasks for the day were to wash the vans and redistribute items between the vans. I washed the vans in the morning heat. The sun scorches out here. I am used to the thick layer of smog and toxic gases that cover Los Angeles County and tame the powerful sun. Here in the fresh air the sun has no pollution to work it's way through so one hundred percent of those ultra-violet rays break through and sear your skin like a bug under a magnifying glass. After cleaning the vans I came back to the motel for my mid day nap. When I awoke from my nap I looked out the window and saw an ominous black cloud off in the distance. I didn't think much of it and made my way outside to finish my work for the day. From the time it took me to put on a shirt and get out side the cloud had positioned itself right over the motel parking lot, and my workspace.
"It was sunny this morning without a cloud in the sky, there is no way that it is going to rain." I assured myself, clearly disregarding my newly acquired experience of the the Happy Hour Shower. Sure enough, I open the van door and simultaneously the thunder cracks and the heavens pour out a small ocean in seconds. This phenomenon will never cease to amaze me. Now that I was thoroughly convinced that it was going to rain I jumped in the van and slammed the door. I waited and the rain let up after about 15 minutes or so. Who the hell invented freakish weather like that and what were they thinking?
I have a random thought to share today; why are handicapped toilets so much higher than non handicapped toilets? I don't mean to offend, but I don't think that the average handicapped person is seven feet tall. I also want to know who has a breakfast buffet with just side dishes? The buffet this morning had sausage, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. No pancakes, waffles, french toast, omelets, nothing that would constitute a main breakfast course. What is that?
June 26, 2009
The Royal Gorge
June 25, 2009
The Continental Divide
Monarch pass goes uphill for 9 miles, gains 5,000 feet of elevation and tops out at 11,312 feet above sea level. Today, we rode up and over the summit of the Monarch Pass on our bicycles. The summit also marks the Continental Divide, which separates the Pacific from the Atlantic side of the continent.
The best part of the day was coming down the hill after the climb. I averaged over 40 miles per hour for 9 miles straight, which is most definitely a record for me. It is an unbelievable feeling riding down a mountain on a bicycle. Not only is the speed an adrenaline rush, the sense of accomplishment that comes with having ridden over a mountain, a huge freaking mountain, is indescribable.
My fingers are killing me because I am typing this on my cell phone because we do not have internet in this motel. It's like we are staying in 1985. Despite the lack of technology here, the resataurant adjacent to our internet void makes an incomprable banana merengue pie. Between the pie and the rice krispy treats that I couldnlt stop gnawing on I think I gained back all of the calories I burned pedaling up the mountain. Tomorrow should be fun seeing as we get to go to Royal Gorge which boasts the highest suspension bridge in the world (pictures to follow tomorrow).
Ok, I really can't take any more tapping on this cell phone. These things were not made for this and I think I'm losing feeling in my thumbs so I'm going to stop before it is permanent. By the way, the funky picture of the store with all the antlers was of a store that buys antlers and sells them. The entrepreneureal spirit is alive and strong in Gunnison, Colorado.
June 24, 2009
Rocky Mountain High

June 23, 2009
The Local News and Cherries. Mmmmmmmm, Cherries...

June 22, 2009
Did You Know...

June 21, 2009
Hot Tea