How much do earrings for a pirate cost? A Buck-an-earrr!! Get it? I always like a strong opening. Well, today was another day and I'm not sure what day today was. I think it was a Thursday. My daily routine is one that does not require me to know the day of the week, just the time of day. This has made my relationship with time vague at times, especially when you add that to the fact that I just crossed a time zone.
The simple routine that we play out everyday is easy to fall into. Wake up, eat your pre-planned breakfast, get on your bike, ride to the next town, check-in to the motel, eat pre-planned dinner, sleep, repeat. That has been my routine for the past 12 days. After falling into such a regimented routine it will be hard for me to adjust to real life when I finally have to grow up and leave Neverland. I can see why prisoners have such a hard time adjusting to reality when they are released. Although I guess I would have an easier time than a prisoner because I still have the right to vote, and all those other rights that free people have.
When time becomes less about calendar dates and days of the week, you learn to appreciate the sun coming up. Days don't even have a feeling anymore. I have given up saying," it feels like a Wednesday". What does that even mean anyway? Days don't feel like anything anymore, they are all just days. I am not even close to as plugged into the rest of the world as I am when I am home, so I when I wake up I don't read the news or turn on the television, I just look outside. I plan my day according to the sky. If it looks like there's going to be weather, I pack a jacket. If it's sunny, I pack sunscreen. If it's thunder, lightning, and hail, I pack my bike...into the van that is.
Today I actually watched the news. The world is the same it seems. Iran is protesting, Obama has cat-like reflexes in his fly killing ability, a pilot died while flying, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up today but down for the week. I looked outside after I watched the news on television to get the news that was most immediate to me It was a sunny day, with patchy clouds dotting the sky over the Wasatch mountains. Tomorrow we will be on our way out of Salt Lake City and pedaling toward Colorado. I don't know what the date is, but I know the sun will be coming up and I will be planning my day on what Mr. Sunshine tells me. 
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