Did you know that celery is such a low calorie food that if you were to eat just celery you would die from starvation because you actually burn more calories chewing and digesting celery than you get from eating it? As Sean, one of the riders on the trip, said, though, you would most likely die from boredom before starvation if you only ate celery. I ate some celery today...I didn't feel anything, but then again I guess starvation takes a while to set in, but what do I know, I'm not a doctor.

Today we had nowhere to go and all day to get there. We rode the 97 miles from Green River, Utah, to Grand Junction, Colorado. Grand Junction is the meeting point for the Colorado and Green Rivers. I also learned that the Colorado is also known as the Red River. We rode along side the river for a few miles and after looking at it for a while I think that it should be called the Brown River, because it is brown, but, again, what the hell do I know?

We are now in our fourth state on this cycle adventure and I must say that each state has such an unbelievably distinct landscape. It is as if nature knew where each border was cut and decided to tweak the scenery just enough for it to be unique to each state. Riding out of Utah was mostly desert until the last mile or so where it starts to gradually become more green. As you cross into Colorado there is increasingly more green and the mountainous backdrop converts from the Uinta Mountain range in Utah, which looks like someone scraped the normal cone shaped mountain top off to leave a flat, plateau, to the San Juan Mountains in Colorado, which are a traditional, cone shaped, majestic looking mountain range.
Oh, that's right, I have to vent a bit about the crappy I-70. Today I rode my bicycle and I changed 6 flat tires. The only caveat was that I did not have any flats myself. While I am on the road, it is my job to help the riders with any mechanical problems that may arise, and flat tires are included in that. There are these little pieces of wire that suck. Between cursing and sweating, I stopped and had to laugh that a piece of wire that weigh a fraction of a gram can completely halt a 200 pound man on his bike. I am hoping that tomorrow those little wires will not be a problem, and that I can get a better song stuck in my head. Today I kept singing Elton John's "Rocket Man" which is a perfectly fine song, but 5 hours of it was a little much. When I get a song stuck in my head it speeds up and slows down based on how fast I go. I am going to try to get some Jimi Hendrix stuck tomorrow, we will see how it goes though.
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