July 31, 2009

Two Becomes One

I said goodbye to Seth's moustache today. The next time I see him the furry beast that has graced the northern region of Seth's mouth will be nothing more than a memory. Seth heads for home, law school, and his beloved Inna today, and I head to Krakow, Poland. I could not have asked for a better travel partner through this adventure. Seth is a planner, I am "whatever", and we could not have gotten along better. Seth and I have not really spent much time together since graduating high school some seven years ago and I think we were both wondering how we would travel together. This month could not have been any better and I will miss Seth.

As Seth travels home I will continue on. It will be an adjustment to not having Seth around. Since Seth grew his Eastern European moustache at least I will have plenty of reminders of him. I worry that my credibility in these parts are a little compromised not having a moustache of my own. I tried to grow a little facial hair but it looked like a teenager who was trying desperately to look older than his age. I guess some guys just weren't cut out for facial hair. I am thinking that maybe I won't shower for a few days, then I can acquire that eastern European musk that is so common. Maybe then I will blend in.

And so the adventure rolls on, now as a solo and no longer a duet. I wish Seth the best as I know he is heading into a much more difficult adventure than I. By the way, thank God for McDonalds. Although their half gallon sodas and questionable beef (is it cow?...I mean really?!?!) is thinning out the human race, they have really pushed for free wifi in their restaurants. I have been sitting here for half an hour typing without buying a single thing. I'm not a freeloader, I'm on a budget. Mc-Ds has come a long way since that creepy clown started hocking burgers.

1 comment:

  1. "Thinning out"? Sean, don't you mean, adding girth? It was so nice to walk off of the plane and see so many morbidly obsese people. USA! USA!
