My office for the day.

Anyone who has been on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland knows that "Dead men tell no tales", well people who are still living tell amazing tales. Ok, now that we got that terrible segue over and done with...well, anyway, today was the first day of riding and was my day to work from the bicycle. We covered 75 miles from San Francisco to beautiful Vallejo, California.
When I first signed up to work for this ride I wondered what kind of people I would meet. I obviously worried about having some Alpha dog barking orders at me, but every single person on this ride is easy-going and tells a great story. One of the riders, a man named Jack, is on his third bicycle ride across America and has even walked across America. He is like a real life Forrest Gump, except Jack isn't slow in the head.
Tonight I drove one of our vans with about 10 of the riders over to where we were having dinner and just listening to all the different accents each telling different stories. Anyway, I am really tired so I am sorry that this entry is more informative than entertaining, but, hey, they can't all be winners. I wish there was more to say but I am a little tired. Some of the highlights of today were: riding over the Golden Gate Bridge, riding past San Quentin State Prison, and, just a little down the road, the National Headquarters for training Seeing Eye Dogs, as well as eating lemon flavored cookies (those little lemon cookies are so refreshingly delicious). Tomorrow we ride to Sacramento with a short stop at the Jelly Belly factory so, until then...

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